
Telehealth counselling

Take Care of Your Mental Health with Telehealth

The past couple of years have been incredibly tough on our collective mental health.   Whether you are struggling with the loss of a job, significantly reduced income, social isolation during prolonged lockdowns, or the fear of yourself or a loved one contracting Covid-19, this is a time when taking care of your mental health is more important than ever.

Yet attending counselling sessions in person raises concerns for many people, and during periods of lockdown can be impossible.  Fortunately, Telehealth provides you with the ideal option to help keep you safe from transmission of the virus while at the same time receiving the support you need.

There are wide range of additional proven benefits to choosing online or telephone counselling, regardless of whether or not we are in lockdown.


What is Telehealth?

Telehealth refers to any medical or counselling appointment conducted via either phone or an online platform like Skype or Zoom.  These appointments operate just like a normal counselling session, and currently attracts the same Medicare rebates as clients would normally be entitled to receive.


What are the Benefits of Telehealth Counselling?

The benefits of using online and telephone counselling have been experienced by clients over many years, and not just to avoid Covid-19 transmission.  These modalities provide a whole host of benefits to a wide range of clients:

  1. Time – since there is no commuting or waiting time it is easier to fit a counselling session into your day.
  2. Convenience – not having to find transport or parking not only reduces time but the stress of traffic, parking, or the cost of commuting.
  3. Privacy – having sessions from home or work ensures you don’t run into anyone you know coming or going from the counsellor’s office.
  4. Comfort – if you are suffering anxiety it can be easier to open up when you are in your own environment, where you are most comfortable. You can even attend your session in your PJ’s if that makes you more comfortable.
  5. Consistency – even if you are feeling a little under the weather, you can still make an appointment. This is important as studies indicate consistency of counselling sessions improves the ultimate outcome.
  6. Accessibility – since you don’t have to worry about the location of the counsellor you can choose the right counsellor for you, regardless of where they are situated.
  7. Health Safety – because you do not have to leave your home you are not putting yourself or your loved ones at risk of Covid-19 transmission.
  8. No Need for Masks – since you are in your own home, there is no need to wear a mask. This improves non-verbal communication and is also easier for those with hearing difficulties, language barriers, or any other communication issues.


Some Questions Answered

Before embarking on Telehealth Counselling clients often have a number of questions, like:

Is Telehealth private? Yes, it is conducted via secure encrypted networks which are also password protected.

What if I have trouble with technology? Your counsellor will help you choose a platform that will work for you, and help you in any way you need.

Will it be recorded? No.  The same rules apply to Telehealth sessions as any other counselling session.

Do I still get my Medicare Rebate? Yes.  Currently, any Medicare Rebate you are normally entitled to will apply to your Telehealth sessions.


How to Get the Most from Telehealth

Telehealth provides a unique opportunity for clients to fully engage with the counselling experience.  By having a notebook and pen handy during your sessions you can draw models and contextualise concepts discussed in your own words increasing the interactivity of your session and ensuring you fully integrate the knowledge and ideas you are working through.  By using the same notebook for each session, you have a record of your evolving thoughts to help you reflect on your journey and raise new questions as your counselling progresses.


Additional Options for Counselling

When our community is not in lockdown, there are a couple of other alternatives to office-based counselling that have proven benefits.

These therapeutic modalities provide alternatives to office-based meetings and therefore carry a significantly lower risk of Covid -19 transmission.


If you are struggling with your mental health, whether it’s related to Covid-19 or not, please get in touch and we can talk about how Telehealth can help you support you through your life’s challenges.  Call me on 0490 697 289 or contact me here.

How can I help you?

If you’re going through a difficult time and you need some support, please get in touch.