
Category: Self Care

The more you understand about the issues and concerns you are facing and their effect on your life, the faster you will begin to see the change you are looking for.  From time to time I will share information and articles that will give you food for thought on your path to your authentic self.

How Does Social Media Affect Your Mental Health?

  Social media is here to stay, there’s no doubt about that. Opinions are divided on whether it is a good or bad thing, particularly in relation to its impact on your mental health. So let’s unpack some of the conflicting aspects of using social media. Some Statistics Since the first social media platform opened

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girl in a superhero cape

Teach Girls Bravery Not Perfection

This TED Talk delivers a very important message for all of us.  ‘I need each of you to tell every young woman you know to be comfortable with imperfection.’ says Reshma Saujani, the founder of Girls Who Code.  We’re raising our girls to be perfect, and we’re raising our boys to be brave.  We have

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getting a good night's sleep

Getting a Good Night’s Sleep

  Sleep is one of the key factors in keeping us healthy, and not just our body but our mind as well.  When we don’t get enough sleep, or the sleep we get isn’t good quality, we are less able to deal with the challenges our daily life throws at us.  So how do we

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first aid box

Why We All Need to Practice Emotional First Aid

We will all go to the doctor when we feel ill or have a nagging pain.  So we don’t see a health professional when we feel emotional pain: guilt, loss, loneliness?  All too often many of us will deal with common mental health issues and concerns on our own. In this TED Talk video Guy

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What is a Panic Attack and What to do About It

  A panic attack is a sudden and intense sense of fear or dread, accompanied by a range of physiological symptoms.  In Australia, about 5% of people will suffer from a Panic Attack at some point in their life.  But they are scary.  And since they vary in intensity, and are often random, they are

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ACT Therapy

What is ACT Therapy?

There are many therapeutic models a therapist or counsellor can use when supporting you through the challenges you face in life.  ACT Therapy – or Acceptance and Commitment Therapy – is one of these. First developed in 1986 by Steven Hayes, ACT Therapy is an evidence-based behavioural therapy that uses a six-step process to support

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Choosing a Counsellor Blog

Questions to Ask When Choosing a Therapist

Choosing a Therapist is the first step on the road to becoming the best version of you.  But it can be confusing, particularly at a time when you are struggling with life’s challenges.  How do you go about not only choosing a therapist, but the right therapist for you? There are some important practical questions

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How can I help you?

If you’re going through a difficult time and you need some support, please get in touch.